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Las Vegas Nebraskans Newsletter


Las Vegas Nebraskans Supporters

Be an advertiser on the Las Vegas Nebraskans web site !

On this web site, click-on "Advertisers" for a roster of those who support

the Las Vegas Nebraskans.


Please look to these sponsors when purchasing goods or services. If you

would like to be a sponsor, the cost is only $200 to have your company or firm listed on

our web site. Please contact Gary Mouden – 702-378-8113 or gmlvnv@aol.com


Las Vegas Nebraskans Booster Club

Individuals can also help by being a member of the "LVN Booster Club" with a $150 contribution. Gary can give you more information.


Attention Members:

Does the Las Vegas Nebraskans Club have your email address? 

To receive emails from the Las Vegas Nebraskans, be sure the club has your email address. If you haven’t received periodic emails from the club during the past months, please report this information to Gary (702-378-8113 or gmlvnv@aol.com) - your contact information will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality.


Las Vegas Nebraskans Web Site and Husker Hotline

Be a frequent visitor to this web site as we are disseminating club news in an accelerated and cost-efficient manner.  The Husker Hotline (702) 223-6992) is the club's voice mail service with recorded messages of current Las Vegas Nebraskans Club information.

Support Your Las Vegas Nebraskans Club !