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High school seniors residing in the Las Vegas Valley or current college students from the Las Vegas Valley, if you plan to attend a four-year college or university in the state of Nebraska, or if you are currently attending a four-year college or university in the state of Nebraska, you may apply for a scholarship awarded by the Las Vegas Nebraskans Club.

Each scholarship is a commitment for one year only and is awarded on a semester-to-semester basis, with stipends being paid at the beginning of each semester. Verification of enrollment, including a GPA report from the previous semester, is required. You may reapply for scholarship monies each year.

Online applications are due on or before April 1st

Scholarship Application

Date: ,

First Name:   Middle Initial:  Last name:


Address 2:

City:    State:    Zip:


E-mail address:

Last 4 of Social Security #:

Name of High School:

Current High School GPA

Anticipated H.S. Graduation Date: ,

Name of University or College (Current or Intended Enrollment):

Current College Status:

Current University or College GPA

Major or Intended Major:

Current High School or College Activities:

 (Organizations, offices held, school functions, etc)


Work Experience:

Parents/Guardian Information


Address:   Address 2:

City:    State:    Zip:


Have you, your parents/guardians, or a family member lived in Nebraska? Yes  No

If yes, where?

Have either of your parents/guardians attended college/university in Nebraska? Yes  No

If yes, which school did they attend?

Are your parents/guardians members the Las Vegas Nebraskans Club? Yes  No

In 100 words or less, please state why you
should receive a Las Vegas Nebraskans Scholarship.

Deadline for Submittal is April 1st

If you need further information or assistance, please call:

 Kay Reich, Scholarship Chairperson, at 702 498-7701

As a reminder, each scholarship is a commitment for one year only and is awarded on a semester-to-semester basis, with stipends being paid at the beginning of each semester. Verification of enrollment, including a GPA report from the previous semester, is required. You may reapply for scholarship monies each year..

Privacy Statement

The Las Vegas Nebraskans Club will not disclose personal information to third parties without the individual’s permission and will take appropriate measures to safeguard all personal information shared with us.